Escolas no campo: desafios e possibilidades para o ensino da agroecologia e educação ambiental em Araras (SP)
2014-04-04Registro en:
CAMPOS, Michele Laffayett de. Schools in the field: challenges and possibilities for agroecology and environmental education teaching in Araras (SP). 2014. 230 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Agrárias) - Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Araras, 2014.
Campos, Michele Laffayett de
This research discusses the challenges and opportunities for Agroecological Education and Environmental Education (EE) in two rural schools from Araras - SP. The objectives were to understand the state curriculum frameworks of rural schools and the municipal school field , understand and map the different conceptions of Environmental Education and Agroecology and identify how these issues are being developed in rural school environments and how to dialogue with the Course Proposal State of Sao Paulo. The research was conducted in a qualitative way and used the research methodology - action - participatory. Data were collected through visits , training of group discussions and actions, conversations, interviews, participant observations, school life, documentary analysis and Participatory Diagnostic School . Three categories of analysis were defined , namely: 1) the mainstreaming of EE practices, 2) the relationship of curriculum content with the social context , and 3) consistency of approach with rural reality. It was found that the state promotes rural school practices EE, but are not transverse , are not critical and are characterized by being disconnected from the social context and the reality of their students. The school promotes a biologicist, behavioral, and unidirectional pre - established concept of EE , arising from Directive Course of São Paulo, which uses parameters of urban education and has no agricultural disciplines nor the Agroecological education. The school has cross municipal field , critical and connected to the social context EE. The approaches of this school are in accordance with the reality of their students by having the Agroecological education and other disciplines and workshops that are tailored to the countryside and the environment . Therefore , it is concluded that the field school directed by the Field Operational Guidelines for School , shows how Agroecology and EE, the value the field, the peasant and the traditional knowledge, are realized as tools to achieve the goals of contextualizing education and to ensure the sustainability field.