Terms of service and human rights: an analysis of online platform contracts
Venturini, Jamila
Louzada, Luiza
Maciel, Marília Ferreira
Zingales, Nicolo
Stylianou, Konstantinos
Belli, Luca
The finding of this report demonstrate how difficult it can be for Internet users to understand and thereby consent to the terms of service of online platforms in order to make fully informed decisions on issues that profoundly affect their fundamental rights such as content restriction policies and processing of personal data. The report was developed in partnership with the Council of Europe, which is an international organization, comprising 47 European countries, set up to promote democracy and protect human rights and the rule of law in Europe. The project was developed between September 2014 and March 2016, and analyzed the Terms of Service of 50 online platforms, by assessing how they respect the human rights to freedom of expression, privacy and due process.