dc.creatorLeme, Maria Carolina da Silva
dc.creatorLouzano, Paula Baptista Jorge
dc.creatorPonczek, Vladimir Pinheiro
dc.creatorSouza, André Portela Fernandes de
dc.identifierTD 291
dc.description.abstractThis paper estimates the impact of the use of structured methods on the quality of education of the students in primary public school in Brazil. Structure methods encompass a range of pedagogical and managerial instruments applied to the education system. In recent years, several municipalities in the State of São Paulo have contracted out private educational providers to implement these structured methods in their schooling system. Their pedagogical proposal involves structuring curriculum contents, elaboration and use of teachers and students textbooks, and training and supervision of the teachers and instructors. Using a difference in differences estimation strategy, we find that the fourth and eighth grader students in the municipalities with structured methods performed better in Portuguese and Math than students in municipalities not exposed to the methods. We find no differences in approval rates. However, a robustness check is not able to discard the possibility that unobserved municipal characteristics may affect the results.
dc.relationTextos para discussão EESP;TD 291
dc.subjectQuality of education
dc.subjectStructured methods
dc.titleThe impact of structured teaching methods on the quality of education
dc.typeWorking Paper

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