dc.description.abstract | The Social Perception System of Indicators’ (SIPS) main objective is to present a panel of social indicators to promote monitoring actions of the State and society. The research verifies how the population perceives the quality of different public services put at their disposal by the State, including motivations for use, difficulty to access and the degree of importance attributed to each. In this approach, the SIPS aids the State to better comprehend and act in a more effective manner to citizens’ demands, as well as provide instruments for society to demand actions more in line with their needs and wants from their governing body. Brazilian research institutions have little tradition in studies on social perceptions. The Institute for Applied Economic Research (IPEA) - who in 2014 celebrates fifty years as an important player in the debate over development in the country - has been proficuous in the elaboration of studies that promote the formulation, implementation and evaluation of public policies. However, only recently has it been involved in the generation of primary data. The SIPS surveys taken place in a continuous manner since 2010, as well as participate in partnerships with national and international agents position the IPEA in the frontier of research of social perceptions. This text consolidates some of the main results obtained by the SIPS. It presents social perceptions collected in the field between 2011 and 2013 and deals with impressions of Brazilians regarding themes that are fundamental to the development of the country such as education, work, poverty reduction, urban mobility, public safety, national defense, communications, democracy and happiness. It is hoped that merging objective data analyses with subjective perceptions of the population, revealed by the SIPS, can be an important instrument to aid the formulation of public policies in Brazil. The text presents the main results of 9 thematic surveys within the SIPS and of 3 cross sectional studies that deal with cross sectional themes that can be applied in a similar manner to an ample set of public policies using results of the SIPS research and theoretical elements of the ‘economics of happiness’. See the book's website on http://compaso.com.br/docs/Book_Perceptions_Marcelo_Neri.pdf | |