Estratégias de professores de educação física para promover a participação de alunos com deficiência auditiva nas aulas

dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
dc.identifierRevista Brasileira de Educacao Especial, v. 24, n. 2, p. 177-192, 2018.
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to analyze the successful strategies used by Physical Education teachers to promote the participation of students with hearing impairment in the same activities as the other students of the classes. Three Physical Education teachers of Elementary School (1st to 5th grade) and the respective classes in which there was a student with hearing impairment participated in the study. Four footages were conducted in each class, resulting in a total of 12 recorded classes. The analysis of the filming was based on the Microgenetic Analysis indicated to study the processes of change, detail-oriented and cutting-edge interactive episodes. From the filming, five types of successful strategies were identified: 1) Prior Strategies; 2) Aid Strategies through a Peer Tutor; 3) Strategies for the Teaching of the Activity; 4) Strategies Arising from Student Response or Action; and 5) Strategies for Communication. We concluded that, for creating favorable conditions in the participation of students with hearing impairment in Physical Education classes, strategies were necessary for different aspects of the same class. Successful strategies were actions that had a teaching purpose, reached the student’s functionality and respected the characteristics, the needs and the potentialities of this student.
dc.relationRevista Brasileira de Educacao Especial
dc.rightsAcesso aberto
dc.subjectHearing impairment
dc.subjectPhysical education
dc.subjectSchool inclusion
dc.subjectSpecial education
dc.titleStrategies of physical education teachers to promote the participation of students with hearing impairment in classrooms
dc.titleEstratégias de professores de educação física para promover a participação de alunos com deficiência auditiva nas aulas
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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