dc.description.abstract | The aim of this study was to characterize the factors associated with the growth phase of dairy cattle used in family farming. We investigated 20 family-run milk production systems located in the Conceição de Ipanema municipality, MG, Brazil. Farmers were interviewed using a semi-structured survey form containing 152 questions. The questions were aimed at characterizing the farmer, herd, and husbandry system at pre-and post-weaning phases. Data were processed by using Sphinx® software, and descriptive analyses were performed in MS Excel® software. The results showed strengths, including navel healing (100%), location of the calf housing above (45%) or next to the pen (35%), and existence of a sanitary calendar (90%). However, several limitations in the management of calves and heifers were identifed, such as lack of zootechnical bookkeeping (55%), manual milking with calf at the foot (65%), absence of herd sizing (100%), no routine weighing of calves (95%), incorrect colostrum management (80%), non-supply of transition milk to calves (85%), and likely failure to diagnose diseases by a fraction of the farmers. Thus, training regarding adequate management practices by extension technicians is imperative, along with the formulation of public policies that comply with the aspirations of family farmers, while promoting their economic and social sustainability. | |