Avaliação da adaptação marginal de coroas totais executadas em diferentes sistemas metal free
2008Registration in:
RODRIGUES NETO, Elidio. Avaliação da adaptação marginal de coroas totais executadas em diferentes sistemas metal free. 2008. 148 f. Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara, 2008.
Saad, José Roberto Cyry [UNESP]
Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
The objective of this work was to evaluate the adaptation marginal of restoring ceramic total crowns using system IPS 2 Empress and the Ceramcap system at two moments: after confections of copings and after applications of covering ceramics. However, ten stainless steel trunnions, had been tilted producing circular prepare that simulated the dental prepares with line of termination in shoulder of 1, 5 mm, axial walls in 6 degrees of oclusal convergence, rounded off angles to pulpar-axio and occlusal-axio, height of 7 mm, diameter in the base of the 11 preparation of mm and diameter in the oclusal of the preparation of 7, 06 mm. Boxes or concavities had been prevented. After that, they had been molded with silicona of addition and confectioned copings, as recommendations of the manufacturers. The evaluation of the adaptation marginal was made with an optic microscope of visible light with increase of 100 x, connected to system of image collection, had been made 4 images for each body-oftest, was used a software Imagelab 2000 for analysis of the images, where 12 points of mismatch for each image had been collected. The 148 values of mismatch marginal had been analyzed through test T student with level of significance of 5%. For system ceramic IPS 2 Empress and Ceramcap they had been found average of mismatch respectively of (86,1μm and 99,8μm) for copings and of (84,5μm and 97,9 μm), after applied covering ceramics. It had difference significant statistics enters the confection of copings after and the applications of covering ceramics, between the two studied materials. In comparison to the two studied systems, system IPS Empress presented average minors of mismatch...(Complete abstract electronic access below)