dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
dc.identifierInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics, v. 24, n. 1, p. 55-64, 2011.
dc.description.abstractThis paper deals with a system that describes an electrical circuitcomposed by a linear system coupled to a nonlinear one involving a tunneldiode in a flush-and-fill circuit. One of the most comprehensive models for thiskind of circuits was introduced by R. Fitzhugh in 1961, when taking on carebiological tasks. The equation has in its phase plane only two periodic solutions,namely, the unstable singular point S0 and the stable cycle Γ. If the system isat rest on S0, the natural flow of orbits seeks to switch-on the process by going- as time goes by - toward its steady-state, Γ. By using suitable controls it ispossible to reverse such natural tendency going in a minimal time from Γ toS0, switching-off in this way the system. To achieve this goal it is mandatorya minimal enough strength on controls. These facts will be shown by means ofconsiderations on the null control sets in the process.
dc.relationInternational Journal of Applied Mathematics
dc.rightsAcesso restrito
dc.sourceCurrículo Lattes
dc.subjectFitzhugh-Nagumo equation
dc.subjectOptimal control design
dc.subjectMinimal enough strength on controls
dc.titleSwitching-off in a minimal time a fitzhugh-nagumo system
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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