dc.contributorUniversidade de Taubaté (UNITAU)
dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
dc.contributorHeineken of Brazil
dc.contributorPoly Easy of Brazil
dc.contributorCanabrava Alcohol Chemical S/A
dc.identifierAdvanced Materials Research, v. 608-609, p. 286-297.
dc.description.abstractThe present work aims at decentralization of sewage treatment and eco-efficient way of enabling the deployment of residential digesters to treat only the water with high organic load without overloading the system, avoiding the drag of sludge and effluent untreated into the urban network of collection. For this purpose we developed a low-cost technology that treats sewage in the house of the citizen, thus avoiding that large stations aerobic treatment of sewage and its result regarding the large demands for energy and area: the generation and disposal of biogas smelly collection networks in urban, high production and disposal costs aerobic sludge, the disposal of sewage in fresh water bodies causing eutrophication of waters and spread of diseases hydro transmitted. The system proposed digester residential removes about 80% of the organic load of sewage without the use of any electromechanical element, and also allows to collect the biogas produced subsequently be used for energy or simply be burned to hygiene and / or crediting of carbon. Basically, the system comprises three anaerobic digesters in upflow sludge bed, arranged in series forming cascade phase separator with solid-liquid gas-shaped coil. Used to treat wastewater with high organic load coming from the toilet and the kitchen sink. Then the waters with low organic load coming from the baths, sinks and laundry, are used to dilute and improve the quality end of the anaerobically treated effluent in a sustainable manner. Social and environmental technology developed aligns with the guidelines of the National Water Agency and the Kyoto Protocol, whose goal is to reduce greenhouse gases. © (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland.
dc.relationAdvanced Materials Research
dc.rightsAcesso aberto
dc.subjectCarbon Credits
dc.subjectResidential digesters
dc.subjectSewage treatment
dc.subjectAerobic sludge
dc.subjectAerobic treatment
dc.subjectAnaerobic digester
dc.subjectCarbon credits
dc.subjectDisposal costs
dc.subjectElectromechanical elements
dc.subjectFresh Water
dc.subjectHigh organic
dc.subjectKYOTO protocol
dc.subjectLow organic load
dc.subjectLow-cost technology
dc.subjectOrganic load
dc.subjectPhase separators
dc.subjectTreated effluent
dc.subjectUrban networks
dc.subjectWater agencies
dc.subjectEmission control
dc.subjectLiquefied gases
dc.subjectPulp digesters
dc.subjectSludge disposal
dc.subjectSustainable development
dc.subjectWastewater disposal
dc.subjectWastewater treatment
dc.titleRational use of residential digesters for sewage treatment with Carbon Credits
dc.typeActas de congresos

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