dc.contributorUniv Rennes 1
dc.contributorCtr Univ FEEVALE
dc.contributorUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
dc.contributorUniversidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp)
dc.identifierJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. Amsterdam: Elsevier B.V., v. 312, n. 1, p. 78-90, 2007.
dc.description.abstractThe erbium-based manganite ErMnO3 has been partially substituted at the manganese site by the transition-metal elements Ni and Co. The perovskite orthorhombic structure is found from x(Ni) = 0.2-0.5 in the nickel-based solid solution ErNixMn1-xO3, while it can be extended up to x(Co) = 0.7 in the case of cobalt, provided that the synthesis is performed under oxygenation conditions to favor the presence of Co3+. Presence of different magnetic entities (i.e., Er3+, Ni2+, Co2+, Co3+, Mn3+, and Mn4+) leads to quite unusual magnetic properties, characterized by the coexistence of antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic interactions. In ErNixMn1-xO3, a critical concentration x(crit)(Ni) = 1/3 separates two regimes: spin-canted AF interactions predominate at x < x(crit), while the ferromagnetic behavior is enhanced for x > x(crit). Spin reversal phenomena are present both in the nickel- and cobalt-based compounds. A phenomenological model based on two interacting sublattices, coupled by an antiferromagnetic exchange interaction, explains the inversion of the overall magnetic moment at low temperatures. In this model, the ferromagnetic transition-metal lattice, which orders at T-c, creates a strong local field at the erbium site, polarizing the Er moments in a direction opposite to the applied field. At low temperatures, when the contribution of the paramagnetic erbium sublattice, which varies as T-1, gets larger than the ferromagnetic contribution, the total magnetic moment changes its sign, leading to an overall ferrimagnetic state. The half-substituted compound ErCo0.50Mn0.50O3 was studied in detail, since the magnetization loops present two well-identified anomalies: an intersection of the magnetization branches at low fields, and magnetization jumps at high fields. The influence of the oxidizing conditions was studied in other compositions close to the 50/50 = Mn/Co substitution rate. These anomalies are clearly connected to the spin inversion phenomena and to the simultaneous presence of Co2+ and Co3+ magnetic moments. Dynamical aspects should be considered to well identify the high-field anomaly, since it depends on the magnetic field sweep rate. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
dc.publisherElsevier B.V.
dc.relationJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
dc.rightsAcesso restrito
dc.sourceWeb of Science
dc.subjectspin reversal
dc.subjectmagnetic oxide
dc.subjectmagnetization jump
dc.subjectmagnetic exchange
dc.titleSpin reversal and magnetization jumps in ErMexMn1-xO3 perovskites (Me = Ni, Co)
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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