Análisis del tratamiento contable de los ingresos bajo NIIF 15
Alarcón Bermúdez, Jessica Lorena
Martínez Murillo, Lina Sofía
Through the analysis of the general economic and financial variables, a comparison between the Local Accounting Norm, the Local Tax Norm and the International Financial Reporting Norm NIIF15, the main differences and impacts across the board were established. This was based on the Colombian experience in the implementation of the latter. In addition, the fulfilment of the economic and accounting income objective through the International Norm was established.
By comparing the three perspectives analyzed it was stated that in regard to the Recognition, the different regulatory models agreed that the revenue comes from the increase in the heritage; but this increase is unrelated to the contributions of the partners; recognition should be performed once the right to settlement is demanded, although it should be noted that the international Norm NIIF 15 extends the recognition of the transfer of control of the goods or services covered by the contract.
In regard to the Measurement, a significant difference exists in the sense that local and tax regulations are established, based on the net realizable value or the market, while NIIF 15 takes into account the effect of variable remuneration and the income reflects the amount that the entity expects to collect.
Finally, in terms of Revelations, the three norms have minimum reporting requirements, it is considered that NIIF 15 is more demanding and extends the scope of the minimum disclosure.
At tax level, the adoption of NIIF 15 brings great challenges to the National Government in regard to the management of the principle of substance over form and its impact will be initially reflected in deferred tax.