Diseño de un programa de capacitación en competencias para ASEISA LTDA.
Cervantes Cervantes, Marisel
Moreno Aldana, Nidia
It carries out research in ASEISA Company Ltd. to design a competency training
program for staff of guards connected to the company that provides security services.
Surveys are used to such personal interviews and analysis of higher performance
evaluations, which identify the strengths and weaknesses in the powers of the security
guards working in the company. On this basis, the program is structured competency
training for the staff, which includes areas such as leadership, customer service,
emotional intelligence and information systems, among others. As a pedagogical
strategy used meaningful learning, which encourages the worker to develop new
knowledge and skills on the basis of their work environment and their daily experiences
at work. The implementation of this program should result in the alignment of the powers
of the guard are the objectives of the organization, which involves the development of
excellence in customer service.