Impacto de la implementación de la NIC II (Inventarios) en dos empresas de grandes superficies Sodimac Colombia S.A. y Almacenes Éxito S.A.
Díaz Padilla, Yury Viviana
Ardila Contreras, Cristian Dior
Gómez Gordillo, Ayda M.
Ahumada Espinosa, Jenny Marcela
Our research was directed to determine the impact of the implementation of international accounting standard (IAS) 2 inventories, on the financial statements of two large national chains, a comparative analysis was performed between account balances and established policies according to the financial reports generated during the period between 2011 and 2015, allowing an adequate traceability of financial effect derived from implementation of the standard.
Based on the results of the accounting analysis, it was determined that the financial impact did not have a significant effect on the company’s financial statements, because their inventory recognition system took into account the measurement criteria of international accounting standard (IAS) 2, due to the full adoption of International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) as corporate policy. Nonetheless, the incomes were affected because discounts for purchases were recognized under the local standard as non-operating income and they were reported in the IFRS as lower value of the inventory.