Urethral Prolapse in a Dog of the American Pit Bull Breed
Santos, Juliana Godoy
Martini, Andressa de Cássia
Monteiro, Bianca Garay
Schroder, Deise Cristine
Franco, Gabrielle Dourado
de Mascarenhas, Lívia Caroline
de Souza, Roberto Lopes
Background: The urethral prolapse in dogs is a rare condition known by the protrusion of the urethral mucous membrane and the external orifice of the urethra. It is more frequently seen in young males, especially of brachycephalic breeds, for instance the English bulldog. Despite the pathophysiology of this disorder being little elucidated, it is believed that the cause is related to factors such as genetic susceptibility, excessive sexual behavior, traumas, abnormalities and urinary and prostatic problems. Due to limited reports on the subject, this paper aims to describe the clinical and surgical aspects of a case of urethral prolapse in a dog, surgically corrected.Case: Admitted to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso (HOVET-UFMT) a dog, American Pit Bull, 7 months old, with previous history of bleeding in the penile region and pain while urinating. In the physical exam it presented: intermittent bleeding via external ostium of the urethra, increased volume and protrusion of the distal urethral mucous membrane and the external orifice of the urethra, which was presenting a round shape mass, edematous and little congested of red-purplish coloring, evidenced by the passing of urethral probe. The diagnosis of urethral prolapse was confirmed and, after conducting laboratory tests and obtaining normal results for the species, the animal was sent to surgery. It was opted for the technique of resection and anastomosis of the protruded portion of the mucous membrane. After the anesthetic protocol, it was performed the trichotomy and antisepsis of region, the fenestrated drapes were properly positioned and the urethral catheterization was done, afterwards 3 points of support were produced with nylon thread 3-0, involving the urethra and the external portion of the penis. Subsequently, it was incised 1/3 of the protruded mucous membrane (from a support point to the other) with a pair of iris scissors and the aid of a toothless Adson clamp. Promptly the anastomotic synthesis was manufactured with a simple interrupted suture pattern. By the end of the first one third theremaining ones with go under the same procedure and in the end of the resection and anastomosis of the urethral prolapse the animal was submitted to a bilateral orchiectomy. At the immediate post-surgery it was established antibiotic therapy and the use of anti-inflammatory and painkiller, after 48 h of observation the animal was discharged from the hospital. As a therapeutic measure it was opted to continue with the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory, and then recommended the use of Elizabethan collar 24 h a day until the removing of the stitches. It was also recommended that the animal returned for a new evaluation thirteen days after of the procedure.Discussion: That being said, even being an unusual pathology, which the physiopathology is not completely clear, the urethral prolapse is of simple diagnosis, which is based on direct observation of the protruded mucous membrane and by obtaining information of possible factors that cause its appearance, such as genetic susceptibility, in the case of the animalfrom the current report, since it had the English Bulldog as genetic predecessor. Even though there are techniques less traumatic for its diminishing the chosen technique is the resection and anastomose of the protruded portion of the urethral mucous membrane, due to being simple, quick, effective and with lower rates of relapses. Proven by the result of total recovering of the animal and excellent post-surgery healing, not having relapses.Keywords: dog, surgery, urethra.