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Pastro Oliveira, Sonale Diane
Marinho, Maria Gabriela da Silva Martins da Cunha
Após longo período de sufocamento político, o processo de redemocratização mostrou-se terreno fértil para o renascimento dos movimentos sociais na América Latina. Os novos atores que emergiram à cena política na década de 1980 trouxeram para o debate novos e velhos referenciais de luta popular, caracterizando o que estudiosos do tema têm denominado movimentos sociais híbridos. Dentro dessa perspectiva, pretendemos analisar a Campanha Diretas, Já!, ocorrida no Brasil em 1984, buscando apreender seu hibridismo à partir do resgate de suas permanências e dos novos elementos que singularizam as mobilizações populares da segunda metade do século XX. After a long period of political suffocation, the democratization process has
remained as a fertile ground for the renaissance of American Latin social
movements. The new characters, who emerged from the political scene in the
1980‟s, have arisen new and old popular class struggle to the debate. This debate
has characterized what scholars name as social hybrid movements.
Inside this perspective, we intend to analyse the popular campaign “Diretas Já!” (it
was a campaign that asked the right for all the citizens to vote) which occurred in
Brazil in 1984. This analysis attempts to understand the hybridism from the
remains to the new elements that has made the popular mobilization unique
through the second half of the XX century.