Spanish translation of the mood rhythm instrument: a novel approach to mood evaluation
Francisco, Ana Paula
Oliveira, Melissa Alves Braga de
Carissimi, Alicia
Fabris, Raul Costa
Ilgenfritz, Carlos Augusto Vieira
Souza, Camila Morelatto de
Medeiros, Madeleine Scop
Adan, Ana
Hidalgo, Maria Paz Loayza
Introduction: The Mood Rhythm Instrument (MRI) is a questionnaire developed to assess the circadian rhythm of mood-related behaviors. The aim of this study was to translate this instrument from Brazilian Portuguese into Spanish. Methods: The translation process consisted of forward translation, adjustment, back translation, back translation review and harmonization. Results: Comparing the initial Spanish translation and the final Spanish version, there were no semantic differences and the items were not changed. Conclusions: The Spanish version of the MRI is ready to be tested in a Spanish population. In the future, assessing and comparing mood-related behaviors in transcultural studies will be possible.Keywords: Circadian rhythms; daily rhythms; mood; psychometric; chronobiology.