Evaluation of the economic losses of events associated with reproductive failure In female bovine brucellosis and dairy farms of the basin of Tizayuca, Hidalgo, Mexico

dc.creatorXolalpa Campos, Víctor Manuel
dc.creatorPérez Ruano, Miguel
dc.creatorCórdova Izquierdo, Alejandro
dc.descriptionCon el objetivo de determinar las pérdidas financieras asociadas a brucelosis, se estudiaron 20 unidades de producción lechera (UPL) de la Cuenca de Tizayuca, Hidalgo, México, que aplicaban diferentes subprogramas de control de la enfermedad. Para estimar las pérdidas se utilizaron los eventos que se relacionaron significativamente con la brucelosis (abortos, nacimientos prematuros, tumores uterinos, celos perdidos y becerros nacidos muertos). Las pérdidas más altas por eventos de falla reproductiva se presentaron en las UPL que aplicaron la variante sólo vacuna; las más bajas se encontraron en las que eliminan de inmediato a las reactoras a brucelosis, y donde segregan y eliminan las vacas reactoras al final de su vida productiva. Así, de esos subprogramas la variante que reemplaza con animales del mismo hato, vacuna y elimina (20,26 USD) obtuvo una pérdida por animal tres veces inferior a la variante que sólo vacuna (70,00 USD).
dc.descriptionWith the objective of determining the financial losses for events of reproductive failure caused by the bovine brucellosis, 20 Units of dairy production of Tizayuca Agricultural and Industrial Complex (CAITSA), Hidalgo, Mexico. There were distributed proportionally in the 5 control programs of the disease applied in this basin. They were used to estimate the losses for reproductive failure for brucellosis with the events that were related significantly with the brucellosis (abortions, premature births, uterine tumors, lost heats and stillborn. The highest losses for events of reproductive failure were observed had in the dairy production units attributed to the variant of the program that single vaccine and the lowest were in the UPL that eliminate immediately brucellosis reactors, independently to the of the origin of the animals and where it is segregated to the reactors to brucellosis and they are eliminated at the end of their productive life, standing out inside this variant that replacement with animals reared in the herd and it eliminates (20.26 USD) with a loss three times inferior to the variant that only vaccine (70.00 USD).
dc.publisherSABER ULA
dc.subjectFalla reproductiva
dc.subjectPérdidas económicas
dc.subjectUniversidad del Zulia (LUZ)
dc.subjectUniversidad de Los Andes (ULA)
dc.subjectEconomic losses
dc.subjectReproductive failure
dc.subjectRevista Científica: Producción Animal
dc.subjectRevista Científica
dc.subjectMedio Ambiente
dc.titleEvaluación de las pérdidas económicas por eventos de falla reproductiva asociadas a brucelosis bovina en hembras y explotaciones de la cuenca lechera de Tizayuca, Hidalgo, México
dc.titleEvaluation of the economic losses of events associated with reproductive failure In female bovine brucellosis and dairy farms of the basin of Tizayuca, Hidalgo, Mexico
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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