Artículos de revistas
Impact of capacitance and tunneling asymmetries on Coulomb blockade edges and Kondo peaks in nonequilibrium transport through molecular quantum dots
2015-07Registro en:
Aligia, Armando Ángel; Roura Bas, Pablo Gines; Florens, S.; Impact of capacitance and tunneling asymmetries on Coulomb blockade edges and Kondo peaks in nonequilibrium transport through molecular quantum dots; American Physical Society; Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics; 92; 7-2015; 354041-354049
Aligia, Armando Ángel
Roura Bas, Pablo Gines
Florens, S.
We investigate theoretically the nonequilibrium transport through a molecular quantum dot as a function ofgate and bias voltage, taking into account the typical situation in molecular electronics. In this respect, our studyincludes asymmetries both in the capacitances and tunneling rates to the source and drain electrodes, as wellas an infinitely large charging energy on the molecule. Our calculations are based on the out-of-equilibriumnoncrossing approximation (NCA), which is a reliable technique in the regime under consideration. We findthat Coulomb blockade edges and Kondo peaks display strong renormalization in their width and intensity as afunction of these asymmetries, and that basic expectations from Coulomb blockade theory must be taken withcare in general, especially when Kondo physics is at play. In order to help comparison of theory to experiments,we also propose a simple phenomenological model which reproduces semiquantitatively the Coulomb blockadeedges that were numerically computed from the NCA in all regimes of parameters.