Artículos de revistas
Exact solution of the two-level system and the Einstein solid in the microcanonical formalism
2011-09-15Registro en:
Bertoldi, Dalía Surena; Bringa, Eduardo Marcial; Miranda, Enrique Nestor; Exact solution of the two-level system and the Einstein solid in the microcanonical formalism; Iop Publishing; European Journal Of Physics; 32; 6; 15-9-2011; 1485-1493
Bertoldi, Dalía Surena
Bringa, Eduardo Marcial
Miranda, Enrique Nestor
solved in the microcanonical formalism because the number of accessible microstates can be easily evaluated. However, their solutions are usually presented using the Stirling approximation to deal with factorials. In this paper, those two models are solved without any approximation, using the gamma function and its derivatives. Exact values are calculated for the entropy, temperature and specific heat, and the relative error between our exact solution and the approximate one using the Stirling approximation. This error is significant for small systems, with a number of particles N~ 100, as in studies of atomic clusters or nanoscale structures.