Artículos de revistas
El uso de la dialéctica en la metodología científica de Aristóteles. La alternativa de Aristóteles a la dicotomía entre coherentismo y fundacionismo. II
2013-12Registro en:
Mie, Fabian Gustavo; El uso de la dialéctica en la metodología científica de Aristóteles. La alternativa de Aristóteles a la dicotomía entre coherentismo y fundacionismo. II; Fabrizio Serra Editore; Quaderni urbinati di cultura classica. Nuova serie; 103; 2; 12-2013; 109-136
Mie, Fabian Gustavo
The paper purports to clarify what exactly is Aristotelian empiricism. I first present objections to the coherentist and foundationalist interpretations of Aristotle´s methodology and epistemology. To develop an alternative reading, I focus on general aspects of his methodology involved in the theories of science from the Analytics and of dialectic exposed in the Topics as well as in Aristotle?s practice. The paper?s contribution crucially relies on my account of the role e[ndoxa play in Aristotle?s investigation and demonstration procedures. This will explain why Aristotle proposes a diaporematic approach to the principles. Furthermore, it will elucidate his justification for making extensive use of other dialectic tools as a central part of science. To conclude, I examine the link between plausible beliefs and observations in natural science proofs, as found in De cælo.