Aftershock production rate of driven viscoelastic interfaces
2014-10Registro en:
Jagla, Eduardo Alberto; Aftershock production rate of driven viscoelastic interfaces; American Physical Society; Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear and Soft Matter Physics; 90; 4; 10-2014; 1-8; 042129
Jagla, Eduardo Alberto
We study analytically and by numerical simulations the statistics of the aftershocks generated after large avalanches in models of interface depinning that include viscoelastic relaxation effects. We find in all the analyzed cases that the decay law of aftershocks with time can be understood by considering the typical roughness of the interface and its evolution due to relaxation. In models where there is a single viscoelastic relaxation time there is an exponential decay of the number of aftershocks with time. In models in which viscoelastic relaxation is wave-vector dependent we typically find a power-law dependence of the decay rate that is compatible with the Omori law. The factors that determine the value of the decay exponent are analyzed.