Prevalence of canine juvenile generalized Demodicosis in the Buenos Aires region, Argentina
2013-08Registro en:
Barrientos, Laura Soledad; Crespi, Julian Alejandro; It, Veronica; Peral Garcia, Pilar; Castellano, Maria C.; et al.; Prevalence of canine juvenile generalized Demodicosis in the Buenos Aires region, Argentina; Japanese Society of Veterinary Dermatology; The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Dermatology; 19; 2; 8-2013; 57-61
Barrientos, Laura Soledad
Crespi, Julian Alejandro
It, Veronica
Peral Garcia, Pilar
Castellano, Maria C.
Giovambattista, Guillermo
Juvenile generalized demodicosis (JGD) is a common condition in dogs, and is associated with genetic and immunological factors. It is not a contagious or zoonotic disease, however, it is a serious disease, being potentially dangerous to affected animal´s lives. JGD affects most breeds of dog, though the predisposition of certain breeds has been noted. In this study, we analyzed 499 records of the Small Animal Hospital (Faculty of Veterinarian Sciences, National University of La Plata, Argentina) covering the period 1998–2006. In all cases, the dogs tested were primarily considered have had some type of dermatological disease, and among them 28 cases were eventually diagnosed as demodectic mange. Twenty-eight out of 499 cases found juvenile generalized demodicosis. Coincident with the data reported by other research, this study evidenced that certain breeds, such as Boxer, German Shepherd and mixed breed dogs had a higher prevalence of JGD. These results support the hypothesis that certain breeds of dogs have a greater predisposition to JGD. 若年性汎発性ニキビダニ症は犬で頻繁にみられる疾患であり,遺伝的素因や免疫学的素因が関与する疾患である。本症は伝染性疾患でも人獣共通感染症でもないが,重篤で時に生命予後に影響することもある。本症はあらゆる犬種に発症しうるが,一部の報告では好発犬種に関する記載が見られる。本報告では1998年から2006年までの間に,アルゼンチン・ラブラタ国立大学獣医学部附属小動物病院で記録された499例について解析した。全ての症例において,ニキビダニ症があらゆる皮膚疾患よりも初発したと考えられ,最終的には本症と診断された。499例中28例が若年性汎発性ニキビダニ症と診断された。他の研究データと比較したところ,本研究ではボクサー,ジャーマン・シェパードおよび雑種犬に,本症が好発することが示された。本研究の成果は,若年性汎発性ニキビダニ症が一部の犬種に好発するという仮説を支持するものと考えられた。