Artículos de revistas
Complete genome sequence of maize yellow striate virus, a new cytorhabdovirus infecting maize and wheat crops in Argentina
2017-10Registro en:
Maurino, Maria Fernanda; Dumón, Analía Delina; Llauger, Gabriela; Alemandri, Vanina; de Haro, Luis Alejandro; et al.; Complete genome sequence of maize yellow striate virus, a new cytorhabdovirus infecting maize and wheat crops in Argentina; Springer Wien; Archives of Virology; 163; 1; 10-2017; 291-295
Maurino, Maria Fernanda
Dumón, Analía Delina
Llauger, Gabriela
Alemandri, Vanina
de Haro, Luis Alejandro
Mattio, Maria Fernanda
del Vas, Mariana
Laguna, Irma Graciela
Giménez, María de la Paz
A rhabdovirus infecting maize and wheat cropsin Argentina was molecularly characterized. Through nextgeneration sequencing (NGS) of symptomatic leaf samples,the complete genome was obtained of two isolates of maizeyellow striate virus (MYSV), a putative new rhabdovirus,differing by only 0.4% at the nucleotide level. The MYSVgenome consists of 12,654 nucleotides for maize and wheatvirus isolates, and shares 71% nucleotide sequence identitywith the complete genome of barley yellow striate mosaicvirus (BYSMV, NC028244). Ten open reading frames(ORFs) were predicted in the MYSV genome from theantigenomic strand and were compared with their BYSMVcounterparts. The highest amino acid sequence identity ofthe MYSV and BYSMV proteins was 80% between the Lproteins, and the lowest was 37% between the proteins 4.Phylogenetic analysis suggested that the MYSV isolatesare new members of the genus Cytorhabdovirus, familyRhabdoviridae. Yellow striate, affecting maize and wheatcrops in Argentina, is an emergent disease that presents apotential economic risk for these widely distributed crops.