Artículos de revistas
Early Cambrian U-Pb zircon age and Hf-isotope data from the Guasayán pluton, Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina: implications for the northwestern boundary of the Pampean arc
2016-01Registro en:
Dahlquist, Juan Andrés; Verdecchia, Sebastián Osvaldo; Baldo, Edgardo Gaspar Agustín; Basei, Miguel A. S. ; Alasino, Pablo Horacio; et al.; Early Cambrian U-Pb zircon age and Hf-isotope data from the Guasayán pluton, Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina: implications for the northwestern boundary of the Pampean arc; Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería; Andean Geology; 43; 1; 1-2016; 137-150
Dahlquist, Juan Andrés
Verdecchia, Sebastián Osvaldo
Baldo, Edgardo Gaspar Agustín
Basei, Miguel A. S.
Alasino, Pablo Horacio
Uran, Gimena Mariel
Rapela, Carlos Washington
da Costa Campos Neto, Mario
Zandomeni, Priscila Soledad
An Early Cambrian pluton, known as the Guasayán pluton, has been identified in the central area of Sierra de Guasayán, northwestern Argentina. A U?Pb zircon Concordia age of 533 ± 4 Ma was obtained by LA-MC-ICP-MS and represents the first report of robustly dated Early Cambrian magmatism for the northwestern Sierras Pampeanas. The pluton was emplaced in low-grade metasedimentary rocks and its magmatic assemblage consists of K-feldspar (phenocrysts) + plagioclase + quartz + biotite, with zircon, apatite, ilmenite, magnetite and monazite as accessory minerals. Geochemically, the granitic rock is a metaluminous subalkaline felsic granodiorite with SiO2 = 69.24%, Na2O+ K2O = 7.08%, CaO = 2.45%, Na2O/ K2O = 0.71 and FeO/MgO = 3.58%. Rare earth element patterns show moderate slope (LaN/YbN = 8.05) with a slightly negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.76). We report the first in situ Hf isotopes data (εHft = -0.12 to -4.76) from crystallized zircons in the Early Cambrian granites of the Sierras Pampeanas, helping to constrain the magma source and enabling comparison with other Pampean granites. The Guasayán pluton might provide a link between Early Cambrian magmatism of the central Sierras Pampeanas and that of the Eastern Cordillera, contributing to define the western boundary of the Pampean paleo-arc.