Antigenic variation in the intestinal parasite Giardia lamblia
2016-08Registration in:
Gargantini, Pablo Ruben; Serradell, Marianela del Carmen.; Ríos, Diego Nicolás; Tenaglia, Albano Heraldo; Lujan, Hugo Daniel; Antigenic variation in the intestinal parasite Giardia lamblia; Current Biology; Current Opinion In Microbiology; 32; 8-2016; 52-58
Gargantini, Pablo Ruben
Serradell, Marianela del Carmen.
Ríos, Diego Nicolás
Tenaglia, Albano Heraldo
Lujan, Hugo Daniel
Giardia lamblia trophozoites undergo antigenic variation, whereone member of the Variant-specific Surface Protein (VSP)family is expressed on the surface of proliferating trophozoitesand periodically replaced by another one. Two main questionshave challenged researchers since antigenic switching wasdiscovered in Giardia: What are the mechanisms involved?How are they influenced by other cellular processes or by theenvironment? Two molecular mechanisms have beenproposed, both involving small non-coding RNAs. Here wepostulate that (a) chromatin remodeling, triggered byenvironmental factors, also plays an important role in selectingthe VSP that will be expressed and (b) the particular VSPstructure may not only protect the parasite in the small intestinebut also signal the need to exchange the existing VSP foranother.