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Adaptive Radar Detection Algorithm Based on an Autoregressive GARCH-2D Clutter Model
2014-06Registro en:
Muravchik, Carlos Horacio; Hurtado, Martin; Pascual, Juan Pablo; Von Ellenrieder, Nicolás; Adaptive Radar Detection Algorithm Based on an Autoregressive GARCH-2D Clutter Model; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; IEEE Transactions On Signal Processing; 62; 15; 6-2014; 3822-3832
Pascual, Juan Pablo
Von Ellenrieder, Nicolás
Hurtado, Martin
Muravchik, Carlos Horacio
We propose a model for radar clutter that combinesan autoregressive (AR) process with a two-dimensional generalizedautoregressive conditional heteroscedastic (GARCH-2D) process.Based on this model, we derive an adaptive detection test, calledAR-GARCH-2D detector, for a target with knownDoppler fre-quency and unknown complex amplitude. Using real radar data,we evaluate its performance for different model orders, and we usea model selection criteria to choose the bestfit to the data. The re-sulting detector is not the constant false alarm rate (CFAR) withrespect to the process coefficients, but we show that in practical sit-uationsitisveryrobust.Finally,wecompare the AR-GARCH-2Ddetector performance with the performance of the generalized like-lihood ratio test (GLRT), the adaptive linear-quadratic (ALQ), andthe autoregressive generalized likelihood ratio (ARGLR) detectorsby processing the real radar data. We show that the proposed de-tector offers a higher probability of detection than the other tests,for a given probability of falsealarm.