Contrac Print Management - Retail Logistics Hanging Tag Case Stu
Contrac Print Management
Contrac Print Management
Curso: TRADEMARKETING Y RETAIL In this case study Contrac Print Management ( ) will show how we applied a two step print optimization process to discover hidden savings that reduced our client's print spend by a massive 34.4%
For one of our Retail Logistics clients, we print and distribute re-usable hanging tags that identify which products go to which stores within the UK. The plastic tags are differentiated by colour and print pattern.
As part of our print management service we are always looking at ways to drive costs out of the material and print processes for our clients. In this case we identified two steps to be taken.
Firstly, the tags have to be visible and clearly identified but their exact size is not too important.
In-bound bulk material sheet sizes are 650mm by 1100mm these are cut into smaller sheets of 367mm x 325mm before they are printed. After printing, the sheets were being cut into 8 tags.
By rotating the smaller sheets and adjusting the tag size slightly, we managed to produce 10 tags from the single sheet. The tags aren't significantly different but produced 20% cost savings!
Second we looked at the tags themselves.
For some time the tags had been produced by printing various patterns onto coloured plastics. The downside to this was that lead times and minimum order quantities for different colours could be considerable. For very small runs, the production costs and potential for wastage were very high.
Contrac's Print Consultant started a lengthy dialogue with the material supplier and the Print Production Manager.
We concluded that we could print onto a translucent (transparent) plastic -- which we buy in bulk. By printing onto one side only, the colours and pattern then show through.
This meant that we could supply new tag designs in any number of colours, really quickly and with a further 18% cost saving.
If you'd like to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency of your print operations call us today on 01482 862336 to arrange a print review meeting with one of our expert consultants.