Producción científica y redes de colaboración en cáncer en el Perú 2000-2011: Un estudio bibliométrico en Scopus y Science Citation Index
2014-01-10Registro en:
Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica. 2013;30(1):31-6.
1726-4634 (impreso)
1726-4642 (en linea)
Mayta-Tristan, Percy
Huamaní, Charles
Montenegro Idrogo, Juan José
Samanez Figari, César
González Alcaide, Gregorio
A bibliometric study was carried out to describe the scientific production on cancer written by peruvians and published in international health journals, as well as to assess the scientific collaboration networks. It included articles on cancer written in Peru between the years 2000 and 2011 and published in health journals indexed in SCOPUS or Science Citation Index Expanded. In the 358 articles identified, an increase in the production was seen, from 4 articles in 2000 to 57 in 2011.The most studied types were cervical cancer (77 publications); breast cancer (53), and gastric cancer (37). The National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases (INEN) was the most productive institution (121 articles) and had the highest number of collaborations (180 different institutions). 52 clinical trials were identified, 29 of which had at least one author from INEN. We can conclude that, cancer research is increasing in Peru, the INEN being the most productive institution, with an important participation in clinical trials.