Actas de congresos
An immersed boundary level-set based approach for fluid-shell interaction with impact.
2013-06Registro en:
International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, 5, 2013, Ibiza, Spain
Sanches, Rodolfo André Kuche
Carrazedo, Rogério
Coda, Humberto Breves
Fluid-shell interaction modeling is a challenging problem with application to
several engineering elds. In this research we develop a partitioned algorithm for large
uid-shell coupling with impact. The structure is modeled in a total La-
grangian description, using a novel shell nite element formulation to deal with geometric
nonlinear dynamics of thin or thick shells. This formulation is based on the principle of
minimum potential energy considering positions and generalized unconstrained vectors as
nodal parameters, instead of displacements and rotations. As a consequence, the formu-
lation eliminates the need for large rotation approximations and presents constant mass
matrix, allowing the use of Newmark time integrator for the nonlinear problem. The
Newton-Raphson method is employed to solve the resulting nonlinear system and contact
between structures is modeled by enforcing non-penetration conditions based on a signed
distance function. The
ow is assumed to be compressible and the
uid dynamics solver is
explicit with time integration based on characteristics. The
uid governing equations are
written in the Eulerian description generating a xed mesh method. The coupled prob-
lem is solved by using an embedded boundary technique where the
uid-shell interface
is tracked inside the unstructured
uid mesh by level sets of a signed distance to bound-
ary function. The versatility and e ciency of the proposed approach is demonstrated by
selected three- dimensional examples.