dc.creatorSepúlveda-Torres, Lianet
dc.creatorDuran, Magali Sanches
dc.creatorAluisio, Sandra Maria
dc.identifierInternational Conference on Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language, 11th; Workshop on Tools and Resources for Automatically Processing Portuguese and Spanish, 1st, 2014, São Carlos.
dc.description.abstractWe report in this paper the development of a module dedicated to discourse markers in HABLA (Hispanofalantes Purchasing an Academic Lin-guistic Base), a tool designed to support native Spanish speakers in their aca-demic writing in Portuguese. HABLA is conceived to meet the needs of native Spanish speakers who are enrolled in Brazilian federal and state institutions and must write a dissertation or thesis in Portuguese. The diagnosis of difficulties faced by the learners in the use of discourse markers is based on the analysis of a learners’ corpus. Part of these difficulties are addressed by two procedures al-ready implemented that identify the problems automatically and present sugges-tions. The development of the module encompasses the compilation of a bilin-gual lexicon of discourse markers – Spanish-Portuguese - as well as a list of false friends discourse markers.
dc.publisherUniversidade de São Paulo - USP
dc.publisherSociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC
dc.publisherSão Carlos
dc.relationInternational Conference on Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language, 11th; Workshop on Tools and Resources for Automatically Processing Portuguese and Spanish, 1st
dc.subjectPortuguese as foreign language
dc.subjectwriting support tools
dc.subjectdiscourse markers
dc.subjectlearners’ corpus
dc.titleO tratamento de marcadores discursivos em uma ferramenta de apoio à escrita acadêmica em português para nativos de espanhol
dc.typeActas de congresos

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