dc.creatorChvatal, Karin Maria Soares
dc.creatorMarques, Tassia Helena Teixeira
dc.description.abstractThe new Brazilian ABNT NBR 15575 Standard (the ―Standard‖) recommends two methods for analyzing housing thermal performance: a simplified and a computational simulation method. The aim of this paper is to evaluate both methods and the coherence between each. For this, the thermal performance of a low-cost single-family house was evaluated through the application of the procedures prescribed by the Standard. To accomplish this study, the EnergyPlus software was selected. Comparative analyses of the house with varying envelope U-values and solar absorptance of external walls were performed in order to evaluate the influence of these parameters on the results. The results have shown limitations in the current Standard computational simulation method, due to different aspects: weather files, lack of consideration of passive strategies, and inconsistency with the simplified method. Therefore, this research indicates that there are some aspects to be improved in this Standard, so it could better represent the real thermal performance of social housing in Brazil.
dc.publisherSan Diego
dc.relationSymposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design
dc.subjectHousing Thermal Performance Simulation
dc.subjectNBR 15575 Standard
dc.subjectThermal Performance Regulation
dc.titleA Review of the Brazilian NBR 15575 Standard: Applying the Simulation and Simplified Methods for Evaluating a Social House Thermal Performance
dc.typeActas de congresos

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