The degree of communicative competence, specifically, the sociocultural competence in the target language (l2) of undergraduate students in their senior (5th) year of the Modern Languages Major in the Foreign Language Department of The University of El Salvador in 2014
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López Tolentino, Claudia del Carmen and Vásquez González, José Rodrigo (2015) The degree of communicative competence, specifically, the sociocultural competence in the target language (l2) of undergraduate students in their senior (5th) year of the Modern Languages Major in the Foreign Language Department of The University of El Salvador in 2014. Bachelor thesis, Universidad de El Salvador.
López Tolentino, Claudia del Carmen
Vásquez González, José Rodrigo
The research project begins with the premise of the importance of developing the sociocultural competence in undergraduate students in their senior (5th) year of the Modern Languages Major at the University of El Salvador. Since the development of this competence is really important when learning a foreign language, specifically English, this project seeks to identify the degree this group of students has acquired related to the sociocultural competence. The sociocultural competence emerged as a component within the creation of the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in the 1980 ́s. Through the years, there have been different models of the CLT; among of all these models, this project is based on the one proposed by Marianne Celce-Murcia in 1995 found in her book “Communicative Competence: A Pedagogically Motivated Model with Content Specifications”.