dc.creatorOLIVEIRA, Tatiane R.
dc.creatorLONGHI, Mariana T.
dc.creatorMORAIS, Zenaide M. de
dc.creatorROMERO, Eliete C.
dc.creatorBLANCO, Roberta M.
dc.creatorKIRCHGATTER, Karin
dc.creatorVASCONCELLOS, Silvio A.
dc.creatorNASCIMENTO, Ana L. T. O.
dc.identifierCLINICAL AND VACCINE IMMUNOLOGY, v.15, n.11, p.1715-1722, 2008
dc.description.abstractLeptospirosis is a zoonosis of multisystem involvement caused by pathogenic strains of the genus Leptospira. In the last few years, intensive studies aimed at the development of a vaccine have provided important knowledge about the nature of the immunological mechanisms of the host. The purpose of this study was to analyze the immune responses to two recombinant proteins, MPL17 and MPL21 (encoded by the genes LIC10765 and LIC13131, respectively) of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni in individuals during infection. The recombinant proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli as six-His tag fusion proteins and were purified from the soluble bacterial fraction by affinity chromatography with Ni2+ -charged resin. The recombinant proteins were used to evaluate their ability to bind to immunoglobulin G (IgG) (and IgG subclass) or IgM antibodies in serum samples from patients in the early and convalescent phases of leptospirosis (n = 52) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. The prevalences of total IgG antibodies against MPL17 and MPL21 were 38.5% and 21.2%, respectively. The titers achieved with MPL17 were statistically significantly higher than those obtained by the reference microscopic agglutination test. The specificity of the assay was estimated to be 95.5% for MPL17 and 80.6% for MPL21 when serum samples from individuals with unrelated febrile diseases and control healthy donors were tested. The proteins are conserved among Leptospira strains that cause human and animal diseases. MPL17 and MPL21 are most likely new surface proteins of leptospires, as revealed by liquid-phase immunofluorescence assays with living organisms. Our results demonstrate that these recombinant proteins are highly immunogenic and, when they are used together, might be useful as a means of diagnosing leptospirosis.
dc.relationClinical and Vaccine Immunology
dc.rightsCopyright AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY
dc.titleEvaluation of Leptospiral Recombinant Antigens MPL17 and MPL21 for Serological Diagnosis of Leptospirosis by Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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