Brasil | Artículos de revistas
dc.creatorCARVALHINHA, Pedro P.
dc.creatorFLORES, Anderson
dc.creatorRODRIGUES, Jose A. D.
dc.creatorRATUSZNEI, Suzana M.
dc.creatorZAIAT, Marcelo
dc.creatorFORESTI, Eugenio
dc.identifierAPPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, v.162, n.6, p.1708-1724, 2010
dc.description.abstractAn investigation was performed regarding the application of a mechanically stirred anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor containing immobilized biomass on inert polyurethane foam (AnSBBR) to the treatment of soluble metalworking fluids to remove organic matter and produce methane. The effect of increasing organic matter and reactor fill time, as well as shock load, on reactor stability and efficiency have been analyzed. The 5-L AnSBBR was operated at 30 A degrees C in 8-h cycles, agitation of 400 rpm, and treated 2.0 L effluent per cycle. Organic matter was increased by increasing the influent concentration (500, 1,000, 2,000, and 3,000 mg chemical oxygen demand (COD)/L). Fill times investigated were in the batch mode (fill time 10 min) and fed-batch followed by batch (fill time 4 h). In the batch mode, organic matter removal efficiencies were 87%, 86%, and 80% for influent concentrations of 500, 1,000, and 2,000 mgCOD/L (1.50, 3.12, and 6.08 gCOD/L.d), respectively. At 3,000 mgCOD/L (9.38 gCOD/L.d), operational stability could not be achieved. The reactor managed to maintain stability when a shock load twice as high the feed concentration was applied, evidencing the robustness of the reactor to potential concentration variations in the wastewater being treated. Increasing the fill time to 4 h did not improve removal efficiency, which was 72% for 2,000 mgCOD/L. Thus, gradual feeding did not improve organic matter removal. The concentration of methane formed at 6.08 gCOD/L was 5.20 mmolCH(4), which corresponded to 78% of the biogas composition. The behavior of the reactor during batch and fed-batch feeding could be explained by a kinetic model that considers organic matter consumption, production, and consumption of total volatile acids and methane production.
dc.publisherHUMANA PRESS INC
dc.relationApplied Biochemistry and Biotechnology
dc.rightsCopyright HUMANA PRESS INC
dc.subjectMetalworking fluid wastewater
dc.subjectOrganic load
dc.subjectFill time
dc.subjectShock load
dc.titleAnSBBR Applied to the Treatment of Metalworking Fluid Wastewater: Effect of Organic and Shock Load
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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