Optimización del consumo de electricidad en el Tecnológico de Costa Rica
Capón-Jiménez, Montserrat
The objective of this project is to optimize electricity consumption at the Tecnológico de Costa Rica, which focused on the following buildings: Classrooms D5, Industrial Design K8, Student Residences J7 and Tics K1, in order to take advantage of the Opportunities and mechanisms for the rational use of the electric energy resource. At the moment the Industrial Design, Student Residences and Tics facilities are not being used since they are expected to begin their use as of the second semester of the current year so an estimate of the electrical consumption of these was realized by the installed capacity of load In each of them, unlike the previous ones the building D5 is in operation since first semester 2016, the measurement of the consumption of this one was realized by means of Fluke, which is a device that allows to make an analysis of the energy, already That when the building is in operation it is possible to estimate the load by this method.
Referring as base the report of the TEC Sustainability Project, which is directed by the professor of the School of Electronics Carlos Meza and the estimated electricity consumption developed in this project determines that the greatest possibility of saving is in air conditioners, computers and illumination; So that a detailed study of these three elements in the buildings is carried out and their classification according to the most important technical characteristics in the matter of energy is carried out. Based on this information the actions that will optimize the energy consumption in these areas are studied and the return of the investment is analyzed to know the economic viability of the proposals.