Modelos de volumen comercial, perfil de fuste y crecimiento para plantaciones clonales de Gmelina arborea Roxb. ex Sm. en Costa Rica
Quirós-Monge, Sofía
Melina´s tree (Gmelina arborea) is the second species with the most reforestation area
in Costa Rica, because it adaptability to different climatic conditions, fast growth and
productivity. Since 90´s melina’s genetic improvement has been getting better, which
has caused significant changes in stem form, taper trees, commercial height and
productivity. The objectives of this thesis are, first develop a merchantable volume
function for a tree stem with an age of three years clonal planting. Second, make a
stem taper model and third a growth system classification for clonal planting in Costa
Rica. To made the volume function was used 5 models (2 lineal models and 3 nonlineal
models), and using statistical criteria was chosen the best function. To the stem
taper model were used two models: Kozak and Coffré, the best model was selected
trough statistical criteria and user-friendliness. The classification system of plantation
growth is based on creating a method of percentiles (25%, 50% and 75%), generating
three equations or functions diameter at breast high (DBH) vs age, each one of these
represented an every percentile. It is recommended include and to add extra
information in every model.