dc.creatorAraya-Obando, Andrés
dc.description.abstractThis project consists on the design of water supply systems in the indigenous zone Chirripó-Cabécar. Within the objectives of this project it is to put in practice appropriate alternative technologies. Has is for aqueducts design for difficult access zones, determine the list of materials along with the capital costs of the water supply system and the construction blue prints. User guides were developed, with the purpose of stimulating the indigenous community to participate in the construction, operation and maintenance of the water supply system. More attention must be render to these distant communities, more projects must be developed on their benefit and a call upon the institutions implicated must be done so they do a reorganization of their procedures and standards in order to obtain viable proposals for the indigenous zone.
dc.publisherInstituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
dc.subjectAgua potable
dc.subjectDiseño de acueductos
dc.subjectGuiía de mantenimiento
dc.subjectSistema de tratamiento
dc.titleSistemas de Abastecimiento de Agua en la Zona Indígena Cabécar-Chirripó

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