dc.contributorAraya, Mauricio
dc.creatorMata-Navarro, Pamela
dc.description.abstractThis project focuses on evaluating the physic and mechanic properties of mortars elaborated in the construction place using the tradicional method, including joint mortars and mortars made for covering masonry walls, as well as the properties of the industrialized Multiuso mortars, Pegablock and Repello Grueso, produced by PEDREGAL Company. In order to develop the project, six construction projects with masonry systems were visited, all of them in the surroundings of the province of Cartago. Mortar samples in actual field conditions were taken from each of them, and then they were compared with the results obtained in laboratory tests. Adicionally, it was studied the contribuition of the mortar on the compression strength of the masonry through the manufacture of concrete block prisms, using blocks produced by PEDREGAL company, and joined with traditional, Multiuso and Pegablock mortars. The research concludes by analizing the aplication of the ASTM C-270 norm ("Standar specification for masonry mortars") and it's fulfillment in the field, according to the CSCR-02 code ("Costa Rica Sysmic Code")
dc.publisherInstituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
dc.subjectPropiedades físicas
dc.subjectResistencia de materiales
dc.subjectEstructuras de concreto
dc.titleAnálisis y evaluación comparativa entre los morteros fabricados en sitio e industrializados, para la empresa Pedregal

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