Diagnóstico y propuesta de reforzamiento del muro de contención de la gradería oeste del Estadio Eladio Rosabal Cordero
Villalobos-Cortes, Juan Carlos
The purpose of this job is to make a research and diagnostic of the west wall of the Eladio Rosabal Cordero Stadium. This structure was built in the year 1949 and had suffered the earth quakes of Limón and Alajuela also it has been to the weather all this years this wall has been worn out and these structure has been closed by the Ministerio de Salud. A taye out of the structure, dimensions, columns, beams, walls was made during this process using computer programs like AutoCAD, Excel, Sap 2000.
At the same time, a research was done with the people and witnesses with the events, changes and rebuilds that has been done in the wall since it was built until nowadays.