dc.creatorLeiva-Cordero, Ariana
dc.description.abstractBy the age of 6, children have played 17000 hours of their life (Ruiz, 2006). This project aims to teach preschool children the concept of form by taking advantage of their energy and the use of movement in an educational game. The objective of the research initiative, GoTouch, is the creation of mobile applications and educational games. In partnership with the University of Costa Rica and the National University, this multidisciplinary project intends to design a game that helps children ages 5 and 6 to learn geometry. The project is the realization of the idea Geometry in Movement proposed by Bach. Laura Solvabarro Garcia. The idea has being transformed into a digital game that approaches learning in a ludic way through the motion of the body to control the interface.
dc.publisherInstituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
dc.subjectEnseñanza y aprendizaje
dc.subjectMovimientos corporales
dc.titleDiseño de juego interactivo para el aprendizaje de la noción de objeto por parte de niños y niñas de 5 y 6 años.

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