Actas de congresos
Preliminary Reflections On Affective Affordance In Hci: A Semiotic-informed Perspective
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978-3-319-42102-5; 978-3-319-42101-8
Socially Aware Organisations And Technologies: Impact And Challenges. Springer Int Publishing Ag, v. 477, p. 43 - 52, 2016.
Elaine C. S.; Arpetti
Alessandro; Baranauskas
M. Cecilia C.
In spite of some divergence on interpretations of the concept of "affordance", the term is fundamental in HCI and interaction design. More recently, the recognition of the affective quality of systems is becoming increasingly important as well. As an emerging subject, there is a lack of discussion on related concepts and, ultimately, on their practical implications. The objective of this paper is to bring into discussion the concept of affect under the perspective of affordance. From a socio-cultural view, this paper articulates affective affordances within the theoretical references of Organizational Semiotics and the Socially Aware Design; and concludes with prospections on potential applications for the design of technology. 477 43 52 17th IFIP WG 8.1 International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO) AUG 01-03, 2016 Campinas, BRAZIL