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O Azeite, A Lua E O Rio: The Second Logbook Of A Composition Via Audio Descriptors
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Musica Hodie. Univ Federal Goias, v. 16, p. 101 - 123, 2016.
Ivan Eiji; Manzolli
This article presents the second Logbook related to a series of compositions whose constructions were based on the digital analysis of spectral content. The procedure was applied in the preparation of the work "O azeite, a lua e o rio - numa ilha rodeada de ouro, com agua ate o joelho" for flute; clarinet and cello (2013). A programming environment was developed in PD, together with a sound analysis library using audio descriptors called PDescriptors. We performed several experiments to evaluate a variety of timbre settings, relating them to perceivable qualities of sounds such as "roughness" and "smoothness", with intensities ranging from pianissimo to fortissimo. This second Logbook confirms not only the applicability but also the potential for innovation that an embedding of such technologies in both the creative process and musical analysis may entail 16 1 101 123