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Oh! Oh! The Giant Has Awaken! Brazil, June 2013: Concepts And Metaphors Of The Street Marches
Oh, Oh, O Gigante Acordou! Brasil, Junho De 2013: Conceptualizações E Metáforas Das Manifestações
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Acta Scientiarum Language And Culture. Eduem - Editora Da Universidade Estadual De Maringa, v. 38, n. 2, p. 139 - 152, 2016.
Almeida A.D.
Results are presented featuring a study on the process of the conceptualization of the 2013 street manifestations in Brazil and their social agents. Cognitive Linguistics, based on Lakoff and Johnson (1980), Kövecses (2009), Grady (1997) and others, foregrounds the theoretical-methodological basis of current research. Corpus comprised postings on Facebook retrieved in June 2013. Qualitative data analysis showed that the street manifestations may be conceptualized as war through the metaphor's mechanism. 38 2 139 152