Niobio : mercado nacional e internacional : modelo de previsão do consumo de ferro-niobio
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Silva, Luiz Gonzaga Oliveira e
Orientador: Saul Barisnik Suslick Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias Resumo: As reservas mundiais de pirocloro (minério de nióbio) são bastantes expressivas quando relacionadas aos atuais níveis de demanda. O Brasil detém cerca de 93% dessas reservas, é o maior produtor mundial de minério e do principal produto industrializado, a liga ferro-nióbio. O Brasil, através da oferta proporcionada pelas empresas CBM1 Abstract: The world reserves of pyrochore (niobium ore) are very important when compared with the actua11evels of demando Brazil has a signilicant share of 93% of those resources and is the great world ore producer and the main producer of ferroniobium. CBMIv1 and Mineração Catalão de Goiás S.A. are the rnain world suppliers of niobiurn, especia11y ferroniobium. The demand side represented by USA, Japan, and Westem Europe composed a high1y dependent market from Brazilian producers. The study for niobium rnarket shows a high rnarket concentration in production, surplus capacity in the production of the concentrate as well as for the ferroniobiurn, a broad distribution of regional consumption, high concentration in consumption 87% of end uses as steel products, stable dernand and prices and supply substitutes. The intensity of use were applied for steel as consumer sector of niobium as well as ferroniobium alloys in the 1973-79 period. This technique were used as a tool for market ana1ysis for each region and for definition of the stage of consumption cycle. In the forecasting of ferroniobium consumption translog model in the four regions USA, Western Europe, Japan, and Brazil were used the following explanatory variables: GDP , crude steel production, ferroniobium price, aind ferrovandium price as a substitute price and time as a proxy for technical change Mestrado Administração e Politica de Recursos Minerais Mestre em Geociencias