A duração no estudo do acento e do ritmo do portugues
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Massini, Gladis
Orientador: Eleonora Cavalcante Albano Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudosda Linguagem Resumo: Não informado Abstract: The aim of this M.A. Thesis is to verify the role of duration in the phonetic actualisation of stress and rhythm in Portuguese spoken in Campinas (SP), Brazil. The instrumental study used spectrographic analysis to detect and control several variables such as the number of syllables and the stress position in words, the word place in the utterance, speech rate, intrinsic and co-intrinsic factors at the segment leveI. Taking into account alI these variables it is possible to come to a close relation between duration and other acoustic parameters like intensity and vowel quality, and in this way, it is possible to specify more adequately and fully the phonetic characterisation of word-stress in Portuguese. The relevance of intonation (variation of fundamental frequency) is also investi~ated to Bee the role of it in the characterisation of sentence-stress. In the study of the rhythm, this work describes the behavior of duration in the utterancesas a whole and in their parts (halfs, key-words, feet and other specified contexts). The description of rhythm is related to intonational patterns and it results in new rhy.thmic behavior of opposite patterns named "compression" and "discompression", operating inside a tonal group. The results of this study produce material for more sophisticated phonetic researches in the future. It provides also interesting insights for the study of stress and rhythm mainly in non-linear approaches to phonology Mestrado Linguistica Mestre em Linguistica