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High Risk For Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction [alto Risco Para Síndrome Da Apneia Obstrutiva Do Sono Em Pacientes Com Infarto Agudo Do Miocárdio] [alto Riesgo Para El Síndrome De Apnea Obstructiva Del Sueño En Pacientes Con Infarto Agudo Del Miocardio]
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Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem. Associacao Medica Brasileira, v. 23, n. 5, p. 797 - 805, 2015.
Objectives: to stratify the risk for obstructive sleep apnea in patients with acute myocardial infarction, treated at a public, tertiary, teaching hospital of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, and to identify related sociodemographic and clinical factors. Method: cross-sectional analytical study with 113 patients (mean age 59.57 years, 70.8% male). A specific questionnaire was used for the sociodemographic and clinical characterization and the Berlin Questionnaire for the stratification of the risk of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Results: the prevalence of high risk was 60.2% and the outcome of clinical worsening during hospitalization was more frequent among these patients. The factors related to high risk were body mass index over 30 kg/m2, arterial hypertension and waist circumference indicative of cardiovascular risk, while older age (60 years and over) constituted a protective factor. Conclusion: considering the high prevalence of obstructive sleep apnea and its relation to clinical worsening, it is suggested that nurses should monitor, in their clinical practice, people at high risk for this syndrome, guiding control measures of modifiable factors and aiming to prevent the associated complications, including worsening of cardiovascular diseases. © 2015 Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem. 23 5 797 805 Drager, L.F., Polotsky, V.Y., Lorenzi-Filho, G., Obstructive sleep apnea: An emerging risk factor for atherosclerosis (2011) Chest, 140 (2), pp. 534-542 Fava, C., Montagnana, M., Favaloro, E.J., Guidi, G.C., Lippi, G., Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and cardiovascular diseases (2011) Semin Thromb Hemost, 37 (3), pp. 280-297 Zamarrón, C., Valdés, C.L., Alvarez-Sala, R., Pathophysiologic mechanisms of cardiovascular disease in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (2013) Pulm Med, 2013 Sert Kuniyoshi, F.H., Singh, P., Gami, A.S., Garcia-Touchard, A., van der Walt, C., Pusalavidyasagar, S., Patients with obstructive sleep apnea exhibit impaired endothelial function after myocardial infarction (2011) Chest, 140 (1), pp. 62-67 Torres-Alba, F., Gemma, D., Armada-Romero, E., Rey-Blas, J.R., López-De-Sá, E., López-Sendon, J.L., Obstructive sleep apnea and coronary artery disease: From pathophysiology to clinical implications (2013) Pulm Med, 2013 Tufik, S., Santos-Silva, R., Taddei, J.A., Bittencourt, L.R., Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in the Sao Paulo Epidemiologic Sleep Study (2010) Sleep Med, 11 (5), pp. 441-446 Ben Ahmed, H., Boussaid, H., Hamdi, I., Boujnah, M.R., Prévalence et facteurs prédictifs du syndrome d'apnée obstructive du sommeil au décours de l'infarctus du myocarde (2014) Ann Cardiol Angeiol, 63 (2), pp. 65-70 Szymanski, F.M., Filipiak, K.J., Hrynkiewicz-Szymanska, A., Karpinski, G., Opolski, G., Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome at High Clinical Suspicion for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (2013) Hellenic J Cardiol, 54 (5), pp. 348-354 Shah, N., Redline, S., Yaggi, H.K., Wu, R., Zhao, C.G., Ostfeld, R., Obstructive sleep apnea and acute myocardial infarction severity: Ischemic preconditioning? 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