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Mathematical Modeling Of The Drying Of Orange Bagasse Associating The Convective Method And Infrared Radiation [modelagem Matemática Da Secagem De Bagaço De Laranja Associado Ao Método Convectivo E Radiação Infravermelha]
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Revista Brasileira De Engenharia Agricola E Ambiental. Departamento De Engenharia Agricola - Ufcg/cnpq, v. 19, n. 12, p. 1178 - 1184, 2015.
Mathematical modeling enables dimensioning of dryers, optimization of drying conditions and the evaluation of process performance. The aim of this research was to describe the behavior of orange bagasse drying using Page's and Fick’s second law models, and to assess activation energy (using Arrhenius equation), moisture content, water activity and bulk density of product at the end of the process. The drying experimental assays were performed in 2011 with convective air temperature between 36 and 64 °C and infrared radiation application time in the range from 23 to 277 s in accordance with the experimental central composite rotatable design. Analysis of variance and F-test were applied to results. At the end of the drying process, moisture content was about 0.09 to 0.87 db and water activity was between 0.25 and 0.87. Bulk density did not vary under studied conditions. Empirical Page’s model demonstrated better representation of experimental data than the Fick’s model for spheres. Activation energy values were about 18.491; 14.975 and 11.421 kJ mol-1 for infrared application times of 60; 150 e 244 s, respectively. © 2015, Departamento de Engenharia Agricola - UFCG/Cnpq. All rights reserved. 19 12 1178 1184 (1995) Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC International, 1, p. 949. , AOAC - Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 930.04, Moisture content in plants, 16.ed., Arlington: AOAC, s.p Berg, C., Water activity (1986) Concentration and Drying of Foods, pp. 11-12. , In: MacCarthy, D, Kellogg Foundation, International Food Research Symposium, 2, 1986, Hardcover. Proceeding Hardcover: Elsevier Applied Science Publishers Ltd Botelho, F.M., Corrêa, P.C., Goneli, A., Martins, M.A., Magalhães, F.A., Campos, S.C., Periods of constant and fallingrate for infrared drying of carrot slices (2011) Revista Brasileira De Engenharia Agrícola E Ambiental, 15, pp. 845-852. , Cavichiolo, J.R., Secagem do bagaço de laranja em secador tipo flash (2010) Campinas: UNICAMP, p. 83. , Dissertação Mestrado Celestino, S., (2010) Princípios De Secagem De Alimentos, p. 51. , Planaltina: Embrapa Cerrados Celma, A.R., Lopez-Rodriguez, F., Blázquez, C., Experimental modelling of infrared drying of industrial grape by-products (2009) Food and Bioproducts Processing, 87, pp. 247-253. , Costa, J., Corrêa, J., Fonseca, B.E., Borém, F.M., Borges, S.V., Drying and isotherm of sugar cane bagasse (2015) Engenharia Na Agricultura, 23, pp. 128-142. , Doymaz, I., Convective air drying characteristics of thin layer carrots (2004) Journal of Food Engineering, 61, pp. 359-364. , de Faria, R.Q., Teixeira, I.R., Devilla, I.A., Diego, P.R., Ascheri, D., Resende, O., Cinética de secagem de sementes de crambe (2012) Revista Brasileira De Engenharia Agrícola E Ambiental, 16, pp. 573-583. , Ferreira, L., Pirozi, M.R., Ramos, A.M., Pereira, J., Modelagem matemática da secagem em camada delgada de bagaço de uva fermentado (2012) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 47, pp. 855-862. , Fiorentin, L.D., Menon, B.T., Alves, J.A., Barros, S., Pereira, N.C., Lima, O.C., Módenes, A.N., Análise da secagem do bagaço de laranja em camada fina utilizando modelos semiteóricos e empíricos (2012) Engevista, 14, pp. 22-33 Fiorentin, L.D., Menon, B.T., Alves, J.A., Barros, S., Pereira, N.C., Módenes, A.N., Determinação da cinética e das isotermas de secagem do bagaço de laranja (2010) Scientiarum Techonology, 32, pp. 147-152. , Fiorentin, L.D., Trigueros, D., Módenes, A.N., Espinoza-Quinones, F.R., Pereira, N.C., Barros, S., Santos, O., Biosorption of reactive blue 5G dye onto drying orange bagasse in batch system: Kinetic and equilibrium modeling (2010) Chemical Engineering Journal, 163, pp. 68-77. , Handerson, S.M., Perry, R.L., (1955) Agricultural Process Engineering, p. 402. , New York: John Wiley and Sons Hassini, L., Azzouz, S., Peczalski, R., Belghith, A., Estimation of potato moisture diffusivity from convective drying kinetics with correction for shrinkage (2007) Journal of Food Engineering, 79, pp. 47-56. , Mongpraneet, S., Abe, T., Tsurusaki, T., Accelerated drying of welsh onion by far infrared radiation under vacuum conditions (2002) Journal of Food Engineering, 55, pp. 147-156. , Oliveira, R.A., de Oliveira, W.P.D., Park, K.J., Determinação da difusividade efetiva de raiz de chicória (2006) Engenharia Agrícola, 26, pp. 181-189. , Srikiatden, J., Roberts, J.S., Measuring moisture diffusivity of potato and carrot (Core and cortex) during convective hot air and isothermal drying (2006) Journal of Food Engineering, 74, pp. 143-152. , Data Analysis Software System (Version 9.0), , Statistica, Tulsa: Stat Soft Inc. 2001. s.p Swasdisevi, T., Devahastin, S., Ngamchum, R., Soponronnarit, S., Optimization of a drying process using infrared vacuum drying of Cavendish banana slices (2007) Songklanakarin Journal Science and Technology, 29, pp. 809-816