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G<inf>2</inf>–instantons Over Twisted Connected Sums
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Geometry And Topology. Mathematical Sciences Publishers, v. 19, n. 3, p. 1263 - 1285, 2015.
We introduce a method to construct G<inf>2</inf> –instantons over compact G<inf>2</inf> –manifolds arising as the twisted connected sum of a matching pair of building blocks. Our construction is based on gluing G<inf>2</inf> –instantons obtained from holomorphic vector bundles over the building blocks via the first author’s work. We require natural compatibility and transversality conditions which can be interpreted in terms of certain Lagrangian subspaces of a moduli space of stable bundles on a K3 surface © 2015, Mathematical Sciences Publishers. All rights reserved. 19 3 1263 1285 Atiyah, M., New invariants of 3– and 4–dimensional manifolds, from: “The mathematical heritage of Hermann Weyl”, (RO Wells, Jr, editor) (1988) Proc. Sympos. Pure Math. 48, Amer. Math. Soc, pp. 285-299. , MR974342 Corti, A., Haskins, M., Nordström, J., Pacini, T., (2012) G<inf>2</inf> –manifolds and Associative Submanifolds via Semi-Fano 3–folds, , arXiv:1207.4470v2 A Corti, M., Haskins, J., Nordström, T., Pacini, Asymptotically cylindrical Calabi–Yau 3–folds from weak Fano 3–folds (2013) Geom. Topol, 17, pp. 1955-2059. , MR3109862 Demailly, J.-P., Complex Analytic and Differential Geometry, , Donaldson, S.K., Anti self-dual Yang–Mills connections over complex algebraic surfaces and stable vector bundles (1985) Proc. London Math. Soc, 50, pp. 1-26. , MR765366 Donaldson, S.K., Floer homology groups in Yang–Mills theor (2002) Cambridge Tracts in Math, 147p. , Cambridge Univ. Press, MR1883043 Donaldson, S.K., Kronheimer, P.B., (1990) The Geometry of Four-Manifolds, , Oxford Univ. Press, MR1079726 Donaldson, S., Segal, E., Gauge theory in higher dimensions, II, from: “Geometry of special holonomy and related topics (2011) Surv. Differ. Geom, 16, pp. 1-41. , NC Leung, S-T Yau, editors), International Press, Boston, MR2893675 Donaldson, S.K., Thomas, R.P., (1998) Gauge Theory in Higher Dimensions, From: “The Geometric universe, pp. 31-47. , (SA Huggett, L J Mason, KP Tod, S T Tsou, NMJ Woodhouse, editors), Oxford Univ. Press, MR1634503 Earp, H., G<inf>2</inf> –instantons over asymptotically cylindrical manifolds (2015) Geom. Topol, 19, pp. 61-111 Griffiths, P., Harris, J., (1994) Principles of Algebraic Geometry, , Wiley Classics Library, John Wiley & Sons, MR1288523 Haskins, M., Hein, H.-J., Nordström, J., (2014) Asymptotically Cylindrical Calabi–Yau Manifolds, , arXiv:1212.6929v3 Huybrechts, D., Lehn, M., The geometry of moduli spaces of sheaves (1997) Aspects of Math, , E31, Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, MR1450870 Joyce, D.D., Compact Riemannian 7–manifolds with holonomy G<inf>2</inf> : I, II (1996) J. Differential Geom, 43, pp. 291–328, 329–375. , MR1424428 Joyce, D.D., (2000) Compact Manifolds with Special Holonomy, , Oxford Univ. Press, MR1787733 Kovalev, A., Twisted connected sums and special Riemannian holonomy (2003) J. Reine Angew. Math, 565, pp. 125-160. , MR2024648 Kovalev, A., N-H Lee, K3 surfaces with nonsymplectic involution and compact irreducible G<inf>2</inf> –manifolds (2011) Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc, 151, pp. 193-218. , MR2823130 Lockhart, R.B., McOwen, R.C., Elliptic differential operators on noncompact manifolds (1985) Ann. Scuola Norm. Sup. Pisa Cl. Sci, 12, pp. 409-447. , MR837256 Mazja, V.G., Plamenevskiĭ, B.A., Estimates in Lp and in Hölder classes, and the Miranda–Agmon maximum principle for the solutions of elliptic boundary value problems in domains with singular points on the boundary (1978) Math. Nachr, 81, pp. 25-82. , MR0492821 Tyurin, A., (2008) Vector Bundles, , Univ. Göttingen, MR2742585 Uhlenbeck, K., Yau, S.-T., On the existence of Hermitian–Yang–Mills connections in stable vector bundles (1986) Comm. Pure Appl. Math, 39, pp. S257-S293. , MR861491 Walpuski, T., Gauge theory on G<inf>2</inf> –manifolds, PhD thesis (2013) Imperial College London, , Walpuski, T., G<inf>2</inf> –instantons on generalised Kummer constructions, Geom (2013) Topol, 17, pp. 2345-2388. , MR3110581