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Prevalence Of Oral Cancer Self-examination Among Elderly People Treated Under Brazil’s Unified Health System: Household Health Survey [prevalência De Autoexame Bucal é Maior Entre Idosos Assistidos No Sistema Único De Saúde: Inquérito Domiciliar]
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Ciencia E Saude Coletiva. Associacao Brasileira De Pos - Graduacao Em Saude Coletiva, v. 20, n. 4, p. 1085 - 1098, 2015.
The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of oral cancer self-examinationamong the elderly and confirm whether prevalence was higher among users of the dental services provided by Brazil’s Unified Health System (SUS, acronym in Portuguese). A transversal study of elderly people aged between 65 and 74 years living in a large-sized Brazilian municipality was conducted using simple random sampling. Logistic regression was conducted and results were corrected for sample design and unequal weighting using the SPSS® software. The study assessed 740 individuals. A total of 492 met the inclusion criteria, of which 101 (22.4%) reported having performed an oral cancer self-examination. Prevalence was higher among users of the dental services provided by the SUS, higher-income individuals, people with higher levels of education, individuals that used a removable dental prosthesis, and people who had not experienced discomfort attributed to oral condition, and lower among people who sought regular and periodic dental treatment and individuals who did not have a drinking habit. This type of self-care should be encouraged by public health policies which respond to the needs of the elderly, with emphasis on users of private and philanthropic services, and other services outside the public health network. © 2015, Associacao Brasileira de Pos - Graduacao em Saude Coletiva. 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