dc.identifierCadernos De Saude Publica. Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz, v. 31, n. 9, p. 1825 - 1838, 2015.
dc.descriptionThis study provides evidence of construct validity for the Brazilian version of the Godin- Shephard Leisure-Time Physical Activity Questionnaire (GSLTPAQ), a 1-item instrument used among 236 participants referred for cardiopulmonary exercise testing. The Baecke Habitual Physical Activity Questionnaire (Baecke-HPA) was used to evaluate convergent and divergent validity. The self-reported measure of walking (QCAF) evaluated the convergent validity. Cardiorespiratory fitness assessed convergent validity by the Veterans Specific Activity Questionnaire (VSAQ), peak measured (VO2peak) and maximum predicted (VO2pred) oxygen uptake. Partial adjusted correlation coefficients between the GSLTPAQ, Baecke-HPA, QCAF, VO2pred and VSAQ provided evidence for convergent validity; while divergent validity was supported by the absence of correlations between the GSLTPAQ and the Occupational Physical Activity domain (Baecke-HPA). The GSLTPAQ presents level 3 of evidence of construct validity and may be useful to assess leisure-time physical activity among patients with cardiovascular disease and healthy individuals. © 2015, Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz. All rights reserved.
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dc.publisherFundacao Oswaldo Cruz
dc.relationCadernos de Saude Publica
dc.titleValidity Of The Brazilian Version Of The Godin-shephard Leisure-time Physical Activity Questionnaire [validade Da Versão Brasileira Do Godin-shephard Leisure-time Physical Activity Questionnaire] [validez De La Versión Brasileña Del Godin-shephard Leisure-time Physical Activity Questionnaire]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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